


児玉真吏奈 / Marina Kodama


2017年にP-VINEより1stアルバム『つめたい煙』をリリース。シンセサイザーを使った弾き語りやエクスペリメンタルな曲など、その振れ幅のある音楽性が絶賛された。同年に吉岡哲志、浜田淳とエレクトロニック・ユニットSawa Angstromを結成。ヨーロッパ、アジア、オーストラリアなど短期間に海外ツアーを企画し、数多くの作品をリリース。


約4年ぶりの新曲「羽化」を皮切りに2022年5月に待望の2ndアルバム『Like a Wolf』をTHANKS GIVINGよりリリース。ゲストミュージシャンとして内橋和久、カナミネケイタロウ、Happy Axeが参加し、山本精一がコメントを寄せている。

She is a singer-songwriter/trackmaker born in Osaka. She learned to play the piano as a childhood and she was five years old she wrote a song about starting to walk her dog. It was her first composition. She started recording at home when she was around 20 years old. She loved listening to Syd Barrett and Juana Molina, and absorbed a diverse range of music from classical music, British trad, and ethnic music. And her song on the internet caught the attention of Tavito Nanao, who encouraged her to start performing at Kyoto UrBANGUILD and Osaka Namba Bears in 2016. She began performing improvised music with her voice and electronics as the core.

She released her first album "Tsumetai Kemuri" from P-VINE in 2017. This album was praised for its wide range of musicality, including narratives using synthesizers and experimental songs. In the same year, she formed the electronic music unit Sawa Angstrom with Satoshi Yoshioka and Jun Hamada, and organized overseas tours in Europe, Asia, and Australia. They released many works.

As a solo artist, she has performed with Seiichi Yamamoto, Michiro Endo, PIKA (AFRIRAMPO), Tenniscoats, Yuichi Ohata and others. Her venues have included gallery installations, exhibitions, abandoned bus terminals, and appearances at DOMMUNE and Zenkankakusai.

She released her long-awaited second album "Like a Wolf" on THANKS GIVING in May 2022, starting with her first new song “Uka" in four years. It features guest musicians Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Keitaro Kanamine, and Happy Axe, with Seiichi Yamamoto writing recommendation comments.